20 Miniutes down the road from home is a small game reserve, Daan Viljoen Game Park, where you can walk. The animals and birds are used to walkers.
The Sanderburg Street Big Five
You dont have to venture out of the garden in our Windhoek suburb to see nature in its true (red) colours
This photograph was taken in winter with few leaves on the trees. I'm standing just 10 metres from Africa's biggest antelope, an Eland
Gardening without rain
Strelitzias are one of those flowers that usually look less artificial when they are made out of plastic. They are not the only plants in the garden that dont look quite real. Click the strelitzia for more.
Knoppiesboontjieboomtjies and Klokkliesboontjieboomtjies
Protected tree species in Windhoek cannot be cut down except under the most extreme of circumstances such as when the block the view of a billboard. There are no billboards in our garden.